
December 31, 2018

The top Farm-ily posts for 2018. 

With a couple of hiccups along the way we got there in the end. Thank you all for your continued encouragement and interest. You inspire me to keep looking for the beauty around us every day. 

Happy New Year to you all.


December 30, 2018

Down by the riverside

Whilst kayaking down the Murray River today our daughter spotted a couple of koalas on the bank. Below is a short video that she took of the pair. Make sure the sound is on so you can hear the mating call of a koala.


December 29, 2018

Rain evaporating in the heat before it hits the ground... which is called Virga apparently.


December 25, 2018

Wishing you all lots of love, joy & happiness. 
Happy Christmas!


December 21, 2018

It’s the time of year for hampers. 

So what’s in this year's:
Seasoned pistachios from Murrungundy Pistachios, mustard pickles from Milawa Mustards
cashew clusters and rocky road from Chocolaterie RenMar, nougat sticks and hot chocolate from The Humble Cook, pancake mix with teff from Outback Harvest, honey from Walkabout Apiaries, popcorn on the cob from Kennedy Farm Produce & a greeting card by artist Gillian Ryan. 
As well as very cute lego farmer calendar from Little Brick Pastoral & of course our very own Farm-ily calendar. All in a wooden tray made locally by Vintage Wood'n'That

Australian made regional produce.


December 2, 2018

A pop of orange. 

For those that aren’t familiar with the Silky Oak, Grevillea robusta, it’s an Australian native tree that can grow up to 40m (100ft) tall. See full tree here.


November 30, 2018

The 2019 Farm-ily Calendar has arrived!!

If you are after a uniquely Australian rural calendar, featuring photos from a farm in the Riverina, NSW then this is the one for you! 

To purchase online click here
Locally the calendar can be purchased at Daisy Mae’s in Finley, Tocumwal Post Office & Vintage Wood'n'That in Barooga.


November 28, 2018

Bit blown away by the response to yesterday’s roll call. 
Thank you all for your comments. It is a delight to know where you are all visiting from. 
And thank you for being interested in Farm-ily.


November 27, 2018

Today I’m doing a roll call across all my social media platforms (sounds impressive... but I really only have this blog, Facebook & Instagram). I’m curious as to where all my followers are from. 

So why not join in the fun. Where are you all from? Please comment with your town/country. 
And in case you are wondering... we are based near Tocumwal, southern NSW, Australia. 

P.S. today’s photo taken before sunrise of a heron surveying its surrounds.


November 25, 2018

Wildflowers putting on a colourful display on the Bogong High Plains in the Victorian Alps.



National Ag Day

Today is National Ag Day
A day to celebrate all things agriculture. 
A day to celebrate the farmers around Australia who feed us, who clothe us, who #growforgood


November 18, 2018

Here’s to the pollinators. 

Pollinators are just so important to not only flowering plants but also agriculture. 1 out of every 3 bites of food that you eat is there because of pollinators. 

This week the Wild Pollinator Count has been calling for citizen scientists to submit a count of native pollinators. It only takes 10 minutes to get involved. 
Hurry. Last day today to submit your count.


November 16, 2018

The Kurrajongs are flowering early & prolifically. 
Is this a sign of something for the coming summer I wonder?


November 12, 2018

With still no water allocation and the price of temporary water continually rising we have had to abandon this new stand of lucerne.