
January 27, 2020

Pick the odd one out. 

8 years of photographing our farm and there is a stark difference this year.


  1. Depressing to see but even worse to experience. Is that primarily because of zero irrigation water allocation?

    1. Yes it is. This is our 2nd year of zero water allocation in a row. Last year we bought temporary water so we could keep supplying hay to long term customer. Although quite expensive we were able to keep a couple of paddocks of lucerne going for about half the normal hay making season. This year the water price is double last years and too high to justify putting it on lucerne. I think the only ones that are buying water at the current prices must be those with permanent plantings i.e. almonds, grapes etc. They would be using it to top up their allocations (SA is on 100% water allocation & Victoria is on 68%).

    2. On the face of it, it doesn't seem right that SA has full allocation when our country is so affected by drought and you have nothing. While I believe in the theory of environmental water flows, the MDWBP seems very flawed.

  2. Sad... Perhaps SOMEDAY someone will come up with a practical way to operate desalinization plants. In the meantime, fingers crossed for more rain.

  3. Wow! Incredible. It must be heartbreaking!

  4. Very sad to see it all so brown. Take care Diane
